Friday, July 23, 2010

Coping in a relationship...

It’s tough to be in a full time relationship where everyone has opinions and think that their opinions are right. Especially when those opinions result to a fight/quarell/ argument...whatever you want to call it. Everyone is on the defense, no one wants to back down and everything leads to another argument...

So what to do in a situation like this?

Well the wanna be-psychologist side of my brain says keep the peace, exist until you can make a mends or make peace if you were wrong. Be cautious of the way you approach any type of communication because the defense mechanism in the other person will make them automatically assume that they need to get ready for war.

However, as the other person on the other side of this war, I feel ready to fight...ready to load my verbal guns, arm my general with fiery sentences that will pierce and dagger at my opponent physically and emotionally just as they have done me! But will there be a victor? or will this end in more hurt and maybe in shame for me or the opponent that I obviously care about.

And with every confrontation, the decision we make in these moments is how we decide to cope in a relationship...

So pray in these times and FOR these times that you need to make the right decision; because as we all know, the wrong decision could end the relationship that before this confrontation ment so much to us...Good LUCK!

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