Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Trials only come to make you stronger... don't try to fight them, hide from them or do away with them because it is through this process that we learn more about ourselves, our God and our faith in God.

This builds character, strengthens our heart, our skin and our walk. It also gives us courage to move forward or forces us to dig down deep within for courage and confidence... either way when you come out...and you will come out...you will have grown tremendously-if you stay the course.

So buckle down and ride out the storm, the trial and the tribulation for there is a light at the end of the tunnel and blessings abound THERE!  

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Stepping Out... Seriously...

God is my shield and my protection. He is my provider and my comforter and I trust in His plans for me.

I have had many "genius" ideas; but I have been a chicken when it comes to stepping out and putting them into motion. The Bible says "Faith without works is dead" which means that I (I'm making it personal but "you") I can believe in God all I want, I can believe in His plan for me and I can believe that everything will come into play as I am praying that they will BUT...if I don't step out on my faith and put my faith into action nothing will come from nothing.

So here I am, 31 and 1/2 longing to own my own business, longing for my degree, longing to step out and impact not only my life but the lives of the people around me. But what am I doing about it? Until now, NOTHING!!! absolutely NOTHING!

If you haven't noticed yet, I have come across some hard realizations and now its time to walk in them.

1. I am drawn to reality TV for a reason-I don't watch the drunken junk, I watch people living out their dream while I am sitting at home admiring them. Watching them so much that I make their dreams mine...

2. What ever business I want to start, I am going to have to be willing to get down and dirty and make MY business something out of nothing!

3. God is my rock and my shield and it is His plan that I branch out to spread my love and knowledge touching lives along the way.

4. My life has a purpose! I need to put it to use!

5. It's My Time To SHINE!

So this is it. I have had "genus" ideas and have done nothing with them... I am dusting them off the shelf and bringing them to life.

Be with me Lord as you always are and as you have promised that you would always be.